National Eating Disorder Awareness Week - Renfrew Talking Circle
Friday, March 3, 2023 1pm to 2pm
About this Event
We strive to find purpose and worth in life, figuring out who we really are, who we want to be, and how we want to be perceived by the world around us. Unfortunately, this evolution is largely impacted by diet culture, which has and continues to be a constant in our lives. We are plagued by weight loss ads, over-edited Instagram photos, and exercise routines. We have always heard ‘change’ as the solution, so now that we’re on our own, how do we prove ourselves deserving as we are?
Join us for an open dialogue amongst your peers about how media messages and societal pressures make us feel about ourselves and get advice from a body image expert from The Renfrew Center on how to reject these messages and find the power to embrace and celebrate yourself exactly as you are.
Register ahead of time HERE!