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Goucher Radio

MISSION STATEMENT: Goucher College Student Radio (GCSR) seeks to produce and promote original, innovative radio programming. Additionally, GCSR aims to establish a way for students to independently be creative and develop specialized skills in digital audio. GOALS: Goucher College Student Radio currently allows students to create unedited, uncensored audio entertainment. In the coming academic year, GCSR will continue to promote such programming and expand its capacity to provide students with the resources to simultaneously learn and be creative within the field of digital audio broadcasting. HISTORY: The foundation of Goucher College Student Radio was put into place in Fall 2001 by then Juniors Oliver Janney, Jeremy Coleman and Erin Foard with massive student body support. Within a matter of months, enough equipment was acquired to begin cable casting on Goucher College's closed-circuit cable network. Forty students participated as hosts the first-semester GCSR was in existence. Upon hitting the air, an effort was begun to secure funding for a new studio, equipment and transmission gear. A year later, that funding was acquired and the studio was moved from the Van Meter television production facilities to a location in the heart of the Pearlstone Student Center. When the Athenaeum was constructed, Goucher Radio has moved once again to a brand-new, two room studio. This studio serves as the home to DJ's and the nerve center for the GCSR community. Goucher College Student Radio continues to provide the campus with intelligent and creative programming and virtually unrestricted content. Listen live, 24/7 at!

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Goucher Radio

Goucher College Student Radio (GCSR) seeks to produce and promote original, innovative radio programming. Additionally, GCSR aims to establish a way for students to independently be creative and develop specialized skills in digital audio.

Goucher College Student Radio currently allows students to create unedited, uncensored audio entertainment. In the coming academic year, GCSR will continue to promote such programming and expand its capacity to provide students with the resources to simultaneously learn and be creative within the field of digital audio broadcasting.

The foundation of Goucher College Student Radio was put into place in Fall 2001 by then Juniors Oliver Janney, Jeremy Coleman and Erin Foard with massive student body support. Within a matter of months, enough equipment was acquired to begin cable casting on Goucher College's closed-circuit cable network. Forty students participated as hosts the first-semester GCSR was in existence. Upon hitting the air, an effort was begun to secure funding for a new studio, equipment and transmission gear. A year later, that funding was acquired and the studio was moved from the Van Meter television production facilities to a location in the heart of the Pearlstone Student Center. When the Athenaeum was constructed, Goucher Radio has moved once again to a brand-new, two room studio. This studio serves as the home to DJ's and the nerve center for the GCSR community. Goucher College Student Radio continues to provide the campus with intelligent and creative programming and virtually unrestricted content. Listen live, 24/7 at!

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